Topchubashov Center researchers in training in Georgia

On 4-8 March researchers from Topchubashov Center, Gulkhanim Mammadova and Shujaat Ahmadzada took part in the "Regional Training of Trainers (ToT)" program for Conflict School Alumni Network members in the framework of “Peacebuilding through Capacity Enhancement and Civic Engagement: Phase 2” (PeaCE-2) program funded by the European Union under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).
The training program was designed and facilitated in partnership with the Youth Peace Ambassadors Network (YPAN), a group of trainers and educators specialized in human rights, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding education. The 5-day training program helped participants enhance their training skills while becoming acquainted with regional and international frameworks for conflict transformation and peacebuilding.