Topchubashov-Chkheidze Forum to be launched

Topchubashov Center (Azerbaijan) & Geocase (Georgia) are pleased to announce launching Topchubashov-Chkheidze forum, as the initiative by experts from Azerbaijan and Georgia, in honor of the pioneer diplomats from the two countries who headed their respective delegations at the Versailles peace conference a century ago.
The forum is envisaged to foster strategic communication between leading scholars and policy-makers of Azerbaijan and Georgia in order to improve mutual understanding and establish a platform for discussing the most relevant current and strategic challenges for them, as well as contemplating a more sustainable, peaceful and prosperous future for the region. The forum should also help policy-maker communities to hear and address each other`s narratives and concerns, and transmit the main messages to the political elites, media and public.
It is proposed that discussions will be conducted as closed sessions under the Chatham House Rule, which can enable the more free, comfortable and flexible flow of information and exchange of fellows.
The parties also agree what messages to transmit to their respective government stakeholders and decision-makers, as well as to media and society on a need basis.
Topchubashov Center (Azerbaijan) & Geocase (Georgia) will assume the role of the coordinators for the forum series. In this capacity they are to take over the organizational issues by arranging the venue, the list of participants, and the agenda, organize an after-event report by using the key takeaways from the discussions and decide to what extent each session is covered in media.